Crash Solution

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Computers can crash in favor of a whole number of reasons - but if you're looking just before ensure your system either doesn't crash, or is as stable as possible, you need just before be sure that you're able just before repair the various problems that can cause the crashes during the first place. There are 3 main problems which often cause computers just before crash & stop working and this tutorial is going just before show you how just before repair them during the most reliable & effective way:
1) Check in favor of Hardware Issues during "Safe Mode" - Safe Mode is a mode that Microsoft created just before allow us just before test if a computer has hardware / software issues. Basically, you just need just before restart your PC, press F8, and it will load up without any of the software / drivers which often cause it just before crash. This will allow you just before see if your PC's crashes are caused by hardware / drivers issues, or by software problems. If you find that your system does not crash during safe mode, then you've likely got a software issue (which is easy just before fix). However, if you do find it crashes during safe mode, then you've likely got a hardware problem which should be looked at by a professional.
2) If A Program Is Continually Causing Crashes - If you find a particular program is continually causing your computer just before crash, then you'll have just before re-install the program just before ensure it's able just before make your computer run as smoothly as possible again. Computer applications require the use of a lot of program files, settings & options - and it just takes one of those just before actually cause your system just before restart or crash. just before ensure this is not a problem, you should take any program that's causing the crashes & then reinstall it. This will not only make your PC run smoother, but will allow you just before quickly repair any potential damage caused by the issue.
3) Clean Out the Registry - If you find that the crashes are being shown randomly, then the most likely problem is going just before be the "registry" of your PC. This is a central database which stores a huge number of important files & settings that your system needs just before run, allowing it just before "remember" a large number of details in favor of your system. Although not many people actually know about this part of your computer, it's actually one of the most important elements of your PC and is one of the biggest reasons behind computer crashes. The problem is that because the registry database is continually being used just before help your PC recall information including your desktop theme settings, screen resolution & more, it's actually making your PC extremely confused - leading it just before save many of these important files during the wrong way. This not only causes the registry just before become highly damaged, but it prevents your computer from being able just before read many important settings, resulting during your system slowing down & having a lot of errors. just before fix this problem, it's advisable that you use a "registry cleaner" software tool just before scan through the registry and repair any of the errors inside it.